Choosing a code editor: the tool you will use to build your website

Anyone looking to build a website from scratch will require a code editor. Code editors allow you to create and edit the files your website will use to run. But which code editor should you choose? There are so many to choose from! To help make the decision a little easier, this article will discuss three of the most popular code editors and what sets them apart.



If you are just beginning to learn how to code, then Notepad++ makes a great first choice code editor. It is easy to use and supports almost every filetype you could need for your website (HTML, JavaScript, PHP etc.). You could build a fully functioning website using Notepad++ alone.


Visual Studio Code

If you're after a slightly more sophisticated code editor though then you may like to try Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code contains an in-built terminal window, which can be useful when you begin to do some more advanced coding with programming languages such as Python or if you wish to upload your coding projects to repositories such as GitHub and collaborate with others. Also, Visual Studio Codio utilises IntelliSense autocomplete functionality, which attempts to predict what you are writing as you type and can save you from having to keep typing out repetitive bits of code. Visual Studio Code is supported by all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac and Linux) and allows you to customise the code editor through the use of themes and plugins.



Last but not least, we have Atom. Atom is a visually pleasing, intuitive to navigate code editor that allows you to easily browse your project's folders from within Atom itself. This feature is especially handy when you're working on a complex project that requires multiple open files. Atom is also well integrated with Github: an online platform for sharing and editing coding projects. This integration is useful when you are collaborating on a project with other coders because you can all edit project files remotely.


Once you have installed the code editor of your choice, you are ready to begin creating your website.

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